Implémentation de la version 4.4 du schéma de métadonnées de DataCite :
Cette version prend en charge, en particulier, une meilleure description des ressources textuelles.
Les nouveaux changements par rapport à la version précédente :
Addition of the new subproperty “classificationCode” in the Subject property.
Addition of new values to the resourceTypeGeneral property:
Addition of a new relationType: “isPublishedIn” (indicates that A is published in B)
Addition of a new relatedItem property, with subproperties to contain specific details for containing publication information previously encoded in a description field with descriptionType=”SeriesInformation” (for example, to define the journal name, volume, and page number for an article resource). Subproperties:
Major Documentation changes:
The title of this document has changed to: DataCite Metadata Schema Documentation for the Publication and Citation for Research Data and Other Research Outputs.
Following community feedback and suggestions, this version includes further clarification as regards the following contributorTypes: DataManager, DataCurator, ResearchGroup, and HostingInstitution.